Collins English for Exams Writing for Ielts English IELTS Book
Collins English for Exams Writing for Ielts 0 0
  • Date : 1/1/2019
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Collins English for Exams Writing for IELTS 

IELTS Collins Collins test preparation book is a popular and widely used resource for test preparation in speaking, listening, writing, and reading sections. This book contains 12 lessons that prepare students for the IELTS exam. A Collins Writing for IELTS course can help you improve your writing skills so you can achieve the grade you need.

As you read Collins's book on writing, you'll learn everything you need to know to put pen to paper correctly.
Additionally, you will learn how to write an IELTS academic writing task in this book. You will learn how to properly write about charts, tables, bar charts, and so on after reading this book. Put pen to paper. A proper sentence structure, the right grammar, and comparative sentences. Each of these topics is covered in this book, and key points are highlighted in the margins.

Finally, this book will be helpful to learners who receive a score of 5 or 5.5 and aim to score a 6 or higher.

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