Surrounded By Psychopaths by Thomas Erikson
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Surrounded By Psychopaths by Thomas Erikson

Color Coding System: Book Summary  Surrounded by Psychopaths

Charming, charismatic, and kind, or boring, selfish, and manipulative? Psychopaths have both traits, and that's exactly what makes them so dangerous. By learning your personality type through a simple four-color system to categorize your behaviors and activities in different situations, you can see psychopaths' deceiving behaviors and prevent further attempts—their force to destroy your life. The engaging and informative book Surrounded by Psychopaths gives you everything you need to deal with life's most skilled intruders and identify psychopaths around you before it's too late! 

Weaknesses and behavioral traits that others could exploit should be reviewed by William Moulton Marston's color coding system to understand your behavior and those of others. This system is called DISC (Domination, Induction, Submission, and Compliance). Colors are defined as follows: Red: musty (don't get in their way), yellow: inspirational (walks on clouds), green: stable (hard to change and may never happen), blue lam: analysis (only perfect things will be done.

Standard techniques for controlling others and deceiving others include: 

  • Optional positive performance: praise it, then hold it and stop it 
  • Love Bombardment: Praise More First, Then Step Back 
  • Undetectable ambiguities: Divert attention from the real problem by pretending you have a problem. Use your emotions against you: Put pressure on your weaknesses, especially the ones you don't like.  Drama Triangle: Speaking passionately in the introduction to the third person  
  • Gaslight: distorts other people's sense of reality and doubts one's sanity (from the movie Gaslight, in which a man drives his wife crazy by secretly changing the lights and various elements) other environments while negating them.
  • Negative reinforcement: When you do something they like, they stop doing something you don't like. 

Self-Care: An Introduction to the Book Surrounded by Psychopaths 

In this psychology book, the author describes some of the most common forms of harassment by psychopaths that they used to influence  the people around. their harassment at work, in  social  and family life. Research shows that psychopaths are more common in careers such as CEOs, lawyers, media (TV and radio), sales, and journalism. Surrounded by Psychopaths is a guide to psychopathic bullying and offers practical, actionable advice on the importance of self-care. This easy-to-read guide provides readers with practical ways to prevent mental abuse. 

Anyone who reads this book will notice a change in their perspective and will be able to compare its teachings with the behavior of those around them. Thomas Erickson's book,  published in 2020, can score 4.5 out of 5 on Amazon. 

Thomas Erickson: About the Author of Surrounded by Psychopaths 

Thomas Eriksson is a Swedish behaviorist, best-selling author and lecturer. He has spent more than 20 years of his life traveling to European countries to help people communicate properly. During his career, Erickson was able to learn many skills to facilitate people's personal and professional lives. During this period, he gave many lectures to managers and employees of large and famous companies such as Ikea, Coca-Cola, Microsoft and Volvo. Erickson's best-selling book, Surrounded by Fools, has sold more than three million copies since its 2014 publication  and has been translated into more than 40 languages. Among his other famous works are Surrounded by Bad Bosses, Surrounded by Losers, and Surrounded by Narcissists.




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