The Comfort Book by Matt Haig
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  • Date : 5/14/2022
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Product Code : 11110301111942

ISBN : 9780143136668

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Price: 4.3412920353982300884955752212 USD Discount: 0 USD
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The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

The spiritual new book by Matt Haig,  New York Times bestselling author of The Midnight Library, is for anyone looking for hope, looking for a path to a more meaningful life, Or needing a little encouragement. 
 “It is a strange paradox that we learn the most obvious and most comforting lessons while we are at our lowest. But then we never think about food more when we are hungry and we never think about life rafts more than when we are over-thrown. 

The Book of Comfort is Haig's life raft: it is a collection of notes, lists, and stories written over many years, originally intended as a gentle reminder for Haig's future that things aren't always as bleak as they are. Look. Incorporating sources from around the world, from history, science, and personal experience, Haig brings warmth and comfort, reminding us to slow down and appreciate the beauty and the impossible. predictability of existence. The Comfort Book is a  work of non-fiction published in 2021. "I wrote this book right after the novel The Library at Midnight, and even though it is a work of non-fiction, it feels like a companion book to the novel," Matt Hague wrote in a blog post. articles on its website. This book is full of things I wrote to calm down. "Things that got me  through tough times." 

This book, with various humorous titles such as pizza, originality, candle, water flow, etc., tries to be a source of hope for the reader and helps people to see fresh sides. the beauty of life in the depths of depression. and completely sad. Don't drown. If you enjoy reading philosophy and self-help books like The Consolations of Philosophy, The Book of Comfort is for you. 

The BBC praised The Book of Peace as follows: "A magical blend for these difficult times." The book 'Relax' is a combination of short, hopeful stories and commentary on life, and is designed for times when we need a reference. into a good book to relax and see the hard times better."

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The Comfort Book