Things My Son Needs to Know about the World by Fredrik Backman
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  • Date : 4/6/2021
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Things My Son Needs to Know about the World by Fredrik Backman

Things My Son Needs to Know About the World collects the individual dispatches from the front lines of one of the foremost overwhelming encounters any man can encounter: fatherhood. As he passes on his significant amazement at encountering all the "firsts" that fill him with ponder and capture him totally ill-equipped, Fredrik Backman doesn't bashfully absent from uncovering his claim wrong steps and paternal imperfections, handling issues both incredible and little, from manliness and mid-life crises to practical jokes and crap.

In between the sleep-deprived lows and superb highs, Backman takes a step back to share the genuine story of falling in love with a lady who is his total opposite and learning to live a life that spins around the individuals you care approximately genuinely. Alternating between funny side notes and longer essays-offering his son exhortation as he develops up and wanders out into the world, Backman transfers the huge and little lessons in life, including:

 -How to discover the group you have a place to

 -Why air terminals clarify everything around religion and war -The reason beginning a band is significant to developing and keeping friendships

 -How to defeat Monkey Island 3

 -Why, now and then, a father might hold onto his son's hand fair a little as well tight.

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Things My Son Needs to Know about the World