خرید کتاب The Official Guide to the PTE Academic
The Official Guide to the PTE Academic 0 13
  • تاریخ : ۱۳۹۷/۱/۲۱
امتیاز دهید
امتیاز 2.93 تعداد رای 6
0 13

کد محصول : 110204110097

ISBN : 9781447928911

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کتاب  The Official Guide to the PTE Academic برای آزمون PTE

شرح و توضیحات کتاب افیشیال گاید پی تی ای اکادمیک The Official Guide to the PTE Academic برای آزمون پی تی ای- PTE

TheOfficial Guide to PTE Academic provides comprehensive information about the test, over 200 practice tasks on CD-ROM, analysis of sample answers, test-taking tips and more. The first and only official guide for PTE Academic written by the developers of the test itself, it includes everything you need to know about the test. * Explains the features, format and scoring of PTE Academic, giving test takers a clear idea of what to expect when they take the test * Provides practice with authentic test types and questions * Includes sample answers that are actual student responses from field tests * Improves on test taking strategies * CD-ROM provides additional practice

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The Official Guide to the PTE Academic