Exam Essentials Practice Test IELTS With Key 2 English IELTS Book
Exam Essentials Practice Test IELTS With Key 2 2 0
  • Date : 1/1/2019
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Exam Essentials Practice Test IELTS With Key 2

Combined with Exam Essentials Practice Tests 1 and 2: IELTS, this is a major British English exam preparation series that provides practice, tips, and exam preparation. Students and teachers alike appreciate the effectiveness of this blend of testing and instruction. Students have access to authentic exams that are as high as the real ones since all tests are written by subject matter experts. This DVD-ROM contains video and worksheets demonstrating how an examination model works along with tips from examiners. Combined with exam preparation, practice, and tips, IELTS is the most comprehensive British English study series around. Students and teachers alike appreciate the effectiveness of this blend of testing and instruction. This book explains how to pass this exam.

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Exam Essentials Practice Test IELTS With Key 2