Barrons IELTS 4th Edition Book for IELTS Exam IELTS 4th edition is considered to be one of the most comprehensive guides in the IELT test preparation since it covers all language skills. This book covers all four English language skills and consists of 505 pages and can be a very useful resource for people who want to take the IELTS test. The book is divided into 7 sections and at the end of the book, six examples of IELTS in the field of academics and general are presented. This book also provides the key points that are required for the IELTS exam and the learner can get acquainted with these points. The IELTS test is used as a measure of English language proficiency by over 7,000 educational institutions, government departments and agencies, and professional organizations in 135 countries. This updated manual for ESL students covers all parts of the IELTS and all of its question types: multiple-choice, short answer, sentence completion, flowchart completion, graphs, tables, note-taking, summarizing, labeling diagrams and maps, classification, matching, and selecting from a list. Students will find: The most recent exams are replicated in the four academic practice tests Tests to prepare for the General Training All tests and activities are available on an MP3 CD There are detailed explanations for all test questions