See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition by Zig Ziglar
See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition 0 0
  • Date : 10/23/2022
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Product Code : 11110301111967

ISBN : 9781565547063

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See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition by Zig Ziglar

Step by Step to Success: 

In this book, the imaginary journey of the stairs next to a broken elevator is used to show the reader that there are no shortcuts in life. living. 
Here the shortcut is the elevator, and the stairs are used to explain this point to show that to reach a goal you must take one step forward and lead a productive life you must climb stairs with no shortcuts (elevators). The book See You at the Top presents points that everyone should follow to lead a meaningful and happy life, and these important points include self-knowledge, relationships, goals, opinions, work, and ideals. The author has spent more time on the first three items, self-knowledge, relationships, and goals, and thus one can understand that these points are of greater importance.

Unfortunately, most people have a bad self-image because society has instilled such feelings in them. Zig says we need a positive self-image and we should strive to create it. This means that we should imagine ourselves as we want, not as we are. To create a positive self-image, read other people's positive life stories and success stories and try to identify them. In the communication section, the author talks about a healthy relationship with his wife. He thanked his wife for a successful life and talked about the importance of a healthy married life. The next step is to achieve the goals. The author emphasizes to us how important the goal in life is, that we must go in the right direction. But moving without purpose and without knowing the way will end up going in the wrong direction.

Take practical steps to the top of success:

The author has traveled the world for more than three decades as one of the great movers of our time and always inspires and inspires the public. His bestseller is still considered a true classic after many years. The book's main assumption is that if we help others enough, we can achieve whatever we want in life, and this assumption has taken generations of readers. to success. Reprinted and updated for the 25th time, this edition emphasizes the importance of honesty, loyalty, trust, honesty, and restraint, and shows how to create a healthy image of children, and your real person.

Setting personal goals is an important part of any plan for success, and this book shows you how to set and achieve them. It also provides step-by-step instructions on how to change the way you think about yourself and the people around you. See You at the Top is widely used by businesses large and small, universities, and financial and business institutions, and is welcome wherever momentum and improvement yourself is the first priority.

This book has been translated into more than 12 languages, including French and Spanish, and more than a million copies have been sold. Norman Vincent Peale, an American author, and pastor commented on the book:
"I have learned a lot from reading this engaging book, and I certainly feel a quality of motivation. it's powerful." "See You at the Top is an unusual and different book that will be of great help to anyone looking to improve their principles."

This book on motivation and success has a rating of 4.8/5 on Amazon and 4.2 on Goodreads and is recommended for anyone who values ​​success and motivation.

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See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition