The Rumi Collection
The Rumi Collection 0 2
  • Date : 4/5/2022
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Product Code : 11110301111937

ISBN : 9781590302514

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The Rumi Collection

Rumi has been described as "the most beloved poet" in America. His works are mainly written in Persian, but he also sometimes uses Turkish, Arabic, and Greek languages ​​in his poems. His Masnavi, written in Konya, is one of the finest poems in Persian. Translations of his works are very popular all over the world, especially in Turkey, Azerbaijan, the United States, and South Asia. Rumi's poems have had a great impact on Persian, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Punjabi, Hindi, and Urdu literature, as well as the literature of several other cultures, and are especially popular due to their tangible conceptions. on man and mysticism. 

Each of the eighteen chapters of the Rumi Collection is categorized by subject; Like "Content", "Animals of the Soul", "Love of God", "Praise" and "Purity" and each chapter begins with a piece of Rumi's prose. A full biography of him and an introductory article on the art of translating his works into English are also provided. According to Kabir Helminsky, Rumi's translated works have surpassed all other American poets of the past two decades. In addition, his poems have been read by many people who were previously not interested in poetry or writing about spiritual matters. Helminsky attributes this to Rumi's universal voice, which calls us beyond conventional religious concerns and limiting beliefs, to mysticism, ecstatic visions, and unwavering faith. sure man is loved by God. According to Webster's dictionary, the origin of the word "translation" means the transfer of the relics of a saint from one place to another, and the author has concluded that the translation of Rumi's words is a pass this holiness on to us. time and culture.

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The Rumi Collection