Seeds Of Chaos by Robert M.Dreake
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  • Date : 1/8/2022
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Seeds Of Chaos by Robert M.Dreake

They injected me with a VR chip, a GPS tracker, and my first Seed. They gave me implausible powers.

Then they dispatched me to fight.

The monsters right here are alien and vicious. There is a 2nd moon withinside the sky. I watched a tree begin shifting and kill someone. And the opposite Players...?

They`re even worse.

I`m alone. I`m weak. And I`m scared. But I will grasp to lifestyles through the guidelines of my bloody fingernails.

Who is at the back of this twisted game? Where are they sending us? Is there anybody I can trust?

If I need to survive, I should get stronger. But can I do it earlier than the Game kills me?

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Seeds Of Chaos