The Selection Elite One Heir Crown by Kiera Cass
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  • Date : 1/5/2022
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The Selection Elite One Heir Crown by Kiera Cass

For thirty-five girls, Choice is the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to live in the palace and compete for the heart of the pompous Prince Maxon. But for America Singer, being cast was a nightmare. It means that she turned her back on her secret love of Aspen, who was of a lower caste than her, and left home to join a fierce competition for a crown that she do not want. Then America met Prince Maxon. Gradually, she began to question all the plans she had made for herself and realized that the life she had always dreamed of might not be compared to a future she had imagined. . In The Heirs and the Crown, Princess Eadlyn becomes the first princess to organize her own selection, but she doesn't believe that any of her thirty-five suitors will capture the heart. Her ... This series includes all five books in The New York Times #1 best-selling series, which has sold millions of copies and won the hearts of readers around the world.

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The Selection Elite One Heir Crown