The Giver of Stars
The Giver of Stars 6 0
  • Date : 12/28/2019
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The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes


The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes is a story based in the 1930s about the Horseback Librarians. Horseback Librarians did exist and this is a story of a new branch, The Baileyville Packhorse Library, Kentucky. Five women risk long rides everyday over inhospitable terrain in all weathers to bring, books and magazines to poor people living far from town with little or no transport. People are wary of them and they have to take time to earn their trust. Other people in the township are against their endeavour as they don't want the people to learn to read and get ideas above their station.

Jojo Moyes is a British novelist. Moyes studied at Royal Holloway, University of London. She won a bursary financed by The Independent newspaper to study journalism at City University and subsequently worked for The Independent for 10 years. In 2001 she became a full time novelist.

Praise for The Giver of Stars:

“A captivating tale of love, friendship, and self-actualization.”


“The Giver of Stars is a richly rewarding exploration of the depths of friendship, good men willing to stand up to bad and adult love. Moyes celebrates the power of reading in a terrific book that only reinforces that message.”   

—USA Today

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