Cirque Du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan
Cirque Du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan 0 0
  • Date : 11/24/2021
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Product Code : 11110301111895

ISBN : 9780007960859

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Cirque Du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan

The first trilogy of the collection

In the first trilogy of Cirque Du Freak's books, we meet Darren, who discovers the Wonder Circus with his friend Steve, and this changes the course of their lives. Everything changes when Steve identifies a circus trickster in an old photograph of one of the vampires in his book. Mr. Karpsley, a vampire, performs in the circus with his unique spider. Daran, who loves spiders, can not get out of Mr. Karpsley's spider mind; So they go to the circus with Steve to steal the spider, but Crepsley is around and catches Steve.

The second trilogy of the collection

In the second trilogy of the Cirque Du Freak series, we are introduced to more vampires and enter the world of vampires to learn about their customs and beliefs. In this series of books, they examine the theories of different types of vampires about life and death and find out that many things are right and wrong. Until he finally realizes the behavioral differences of the different groups. The main theme of this trilogy is religion, and most of the story focuses on the different lifestyles of vampires, But that does not dampen the excitement of death trials.

The third trilogy of the collection

The third trilogy in the 12-volume Cirque Du Freak series deals with vampires and vampires and introduces us to the vampire prince, Vancha March, who lives in the wild and follows the ancient rules of vampires. They are looking for a way to kill the lord of vampires anyway, otherwise, they and all vampires will have to say goodbye to life.

The fourth trilogy of the collection

In the final trilogy of this turbulent series, Darren encounters the Lord of Shadows for the last time, followed by his last battle with the Lord of the Vampires, which changes his destiny forever.

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Cirque Du Freak: The Saga of Darren Shan