Winners And How They Succeed by Alastair Campbell
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  • Date : 10/30/2021
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Product Code : 11110301111869

ISBN : 9780099598886

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Price: 4.0073460176991150442477876106 USD Discount: 0 USD
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Winners And How They Succeed by Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell knows all about winning. As Tony Blair’s chief spokesman and strategist he helped guide his party to victory in three successive elections, and he’s fascinated by what it takes to succeed

Whether a sportsman excels, an entrepreneur thrives, or an individual achieves his or her dreams, how does this happen? Do they possess some innate ability to win? Or is it something we can all develop?

In the tradition of his previous books, The Talent Code and The Power of Habit, Campbell draws on the wisdom of a wide range of talented individuals, including elite athletes, media mavens, and rulers of nations and empires worldwide.

In his book, Alastair Campbell uses his own experiences in politics and sport to get to the heart of success by conducting in-depth interviews. Campbell discusses the psychology of winning. He especially mentions the building of a winning team. Analyzing how these individuals handle unexpected challenges and setbacks is his focus. He evaluates what the very different worlds of sports, business, and politics have to offer each other. In essence, he provides a blueprint for winning that we all can follow in order to reach our goals.

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Winners And How They Succeed