The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot
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  • Date : 10/25/2021
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Product Code : 11110301111875

ISBN : 9780062014108

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Price: 3.3394548672566371681415929204 USD Discount: 0 USD
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The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot


Michael Talbot argues that the universe is nothing less than a giant hologram in his book, The Holographic Universe. In this way he explains out-of-body experiences, quantum-theory problems, paranormal phenomena, and other mysterious phenomena of the brain and body.” - New York Times

Its groundbreaking conclusions continue to be proven true by today's most advanced theories of physics, cosmology, and string theory; now with a foreword by Lynne McTaggart.

We're all familiar with holograms: three-dimensional images projected from a laser into space. It has been hypothesized by two of the world's most eminent thinkers that the universe itself may be a giant hologram, an image or construct created at least in part by our minds. Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, an architect of our modern understanding of the brain, and University of London physicist David Bohm have developed what may be the most groundbreaking theory of the universe ever devised. In addition to many unsolved physics puzzles, their theory also explains such mysterious phenomena as telepathy, near-death experiences, "lucid" dreams, and even spiritual and religious experiences such as feelings of cosmic unity and miracle healing.

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The Holographic Universe