IELTS Practical Speaking (NEW) by Kamal Khaksaran
IELTS Practical Speaking (NEW) 4 2
  • Date : 9/21/2021
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IELTS Practical Speaking (NEW) by Kamal Khaksaran

English language proficiency tests such as the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) are among the most accurate and valid on the planet. Every country in the world holds this test. In choosing a destination country for immigration, IELTS candidates must prioritize between the IELTS and TOEFL tests. There are three test centers in Australia, one administered by the British Council, one by the University of Cambridge. Aside from Listening, Reading, and Writing, the IELTS examination includes four different parts. In the Speaking section, the candidate is assessed on his or her ability to convey meaning accurately and understandably. IELTS writing is an extremely important part of the test.

A new method for strengthening speaking skills for the TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, and DOULINGO tests are offered in the IELTS Practical Speaking book.

This comprehensive guide will help you improve your Speaking skills: IELTS Practical Speaking book introduction

As the best resource for improving Speaking skills, the IELTS Practical Speaking book is suitable for all age groups. Language learners will find this book a helpful resource for improving their speaking skills and preparing for the IELTS examination in an easy-to-understand manner.

Six professional textbooks are found in the first section of the IELTS Practical Speaking book, which provides instructional methods for answering a variety of test questions. A second part of the test consists of 50 questions, each with a unique answer. This book's third part contains 29 new, up-to-date topics along with questions and answers. Speaking teaches the grammatical structures in the fourth section. There are 30 topics included in this section, which are used both in Speaking and Writing. This final section, called Collocations, contains 182 sentences along with how these compounds should be used in various sentence types so that the audience is introduced to the correct way of constructing sentences.

Practical Speaking book accessories for IELTS

You can learn IELTS Practical Speaking with the CD that comes with the book. It contains audio versions of different sections of the book that provide learners with an introduction to how words are pronounced.

The IELTS Practical Speaking book is one of the best English language teaching books that can help IELTS candidates and volunteers as a result of its many positive features. A brilliant self-reading book, this book can also be used by teachers for educational classes.

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IELTS Practical Speaking (NEW)