The Third Door by Alex Banayan
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  • Date : 8/7/2021
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The Third Door by Alex Banayan

Alex Banayan travels from icon to icon, decoding their success, in The Third Door, as he hacks Warren Buffett's shareholder's meeting, chases Larry King through a grocery store, and celebrates with Lady Gaga at a nightclub. Alex became fascinated by the Common Key they all share, after interviewing Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Steve Wozniak, Jane Goodall, Larry King, Jessica Alba, Pitbull, Tim Ferriss, Quincy Jones, and more.

I'm a businessman, a life-long learner... As a nightclub, it's just like that. As long as there are three ways in, there is always hope. Those who want to come in wait in line at the First Door, which is where 99 percent of people arrive. Those with billions of dollars and celebrities sneak through the Second Door. There is always, always something to worry about, nobody tells you that. Introducing "the Third Door.". Getting in is always a matter of jumping out of line, running down the alley, banging on the door a hundred times, climbing over the dumpster, crack open the window, or sneaking through the kitchen. The Third Door is the path that Bill Gates took to sell his first piece of software, or Steven Spielberg took to become Hollywood's youngest studio director.

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The Third Door