Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
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  • Date : 7/31/2021
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Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Where the Sidewalk Ends! With the red commemorative sticker on this anniversary edition, you can show your appreciation. Shel Silverstein's masterpiece of poetry, in which he combined both outrageous humor and a profound message, has been a favorite for generations.

A world of Shel Silverstein begins at the end of the sidewalk. A TV set boy and a girl who eats a whale are among the characters in the movie. A Unicorn, Bloat and Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout also live there. There are diamond gardens where you can wash your shadow, shoes that fly, sisters that are auctioned off, and crocodiles that go to the dentist.

One of Parent & Child magazine's 100 Greatest Books for Kids is Silverstein's masterful collection of poems and drawings. According to School Library Journal, Silverstein's poems are a delight to read aloud because they are rhyming and rhymed and contain good alliteration and assonance."

As a children's book author and illustrator, Silverstein has made an incomparable career. His first book, Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back, launched a remarkable path for him. He continued to write throughout the year, and he penned four more books—Don't Bump the Glump! What Are We Going to Do With Our Giraffe and a Half? As well as The Giving Tree, another classic. Further works include Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, Falling Up, Everything on It, The Missing Piece, The Missing Piece Meets the Big O, and Runny Babbit.

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Where the Sidewalk Ends