The One Thing by Gary Keller, Jay Papasan
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  • Date : 6/12/2021
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The One Thing by Gary Keller, Jay Papasan

Using this simple but powerful concept, people can focus on what matters most to them, both personally and professionally. Employers are providing study groups, training, and coaching for their employees so they can be more productive. The sales team is driving sales. The churches are conducting classes for their members and recommending classes.

People living more fulfilling lives are building careers, strengthening their finances, losing weight and getting in shape, cultivating stronger marriages, and nurturing stronger personal relationships when they focus their energy on one thing at a time.

LESS IS PERFECT. You want fewer distractions and fewer tasks. Daily text messages, tweets, e-mails, and meetings drain you of your energy and stress you out. Working and raising a family at the same time is stressful. How much does it cost? We are working sloppy, missing our deadlines, getting smaller paychecks, and getting fewer promotions--and we are stressed out.

The work you do is not enough for you. You want to work more efficiently. Having more income will enable you to live a better lifestyle. There is a need for more satisfaction in life, as well as more time for your family, friends, and yourself.

You'll learn to * reduce clutter * perform better in less time * create momentum towards your goal * reduce stress * eliminate overwhelm * stay on track * master what matters to you The ONE Thing delivers extraordinary results in every area of your life-work, personal, family, and spiritual. How would you describe your ONE THING?

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