Get Sh*t Done by Jeffrey Gitomer
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  • Date : 6/1/2021
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Get Sh*t Done by Jeffrey Gitomer

Would you like to accomplish more? Everyone does, of course. What are you waiting for? In addition to identifying what's holding you back, Get Sh*t Done provides you with the strategies and tools you need to accomplish your daily goals. It's the GSD Secret Formula that unlocks the secrets of success and accomplishment. Get Sh*t Done goes beyond just the title, it's much more than that. Throughout this book, you will learn to identify and implement the elements of superior productivity, eliminate the causes of procrastination, and achieve the best possible results in business and in life.

You will find in this book a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to boosting your productivity. Jeffrey Gitomer, the author of "King of Sales", takes you through, from attitude to determination, productivity, resilience, and fulfillment, each part of the GSD process. Engaging and easy to read, this book shows you how to discover the best ways to invest your time into productive and profitable actions and feel great about your achievements. Using the proven, immediately-actionable GSD Formula, you’re on your way to:

Doubling your achievements, your work habits, and your income Implementing simple shifts and simple actions that increase positive outcomes Recognizing the early warning signs of procrastination and reluctance Eliminating the major GSD distractions that hold you back Discovering how to select, set, and achieve your goals

You need Get Sh*t Done: The Ultimate Guide to Productivity, Procrastination, & Profitability if you don't want to say "I'll do it later" and just get it done.

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