Malorie - Bird Box 2 by Josh Malerman
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  • Date : 4/3/2021
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Malorie - Bird Box 2 by Josh Malerman

Now from the mind of a genuine master of tension comes another chapter in Bird Box. This time, Malorie is front and center, and she will go up against the perils of her world head-on. Twelve years after Malorie and her children paddled up the waterway to safety, a blindfold is still the as it were the thing that stands between rational soundness and franticness. One sees of the animals that stalk the world will drive an individual to unspeakable viciousness. There remains no clarification. No solution. All Malorie can do is survive. But at that point comes what feels like inconceivable news. And with it, the primary time Malorie has permitted herself to trust. Somebody exceptionally expensive to her, somebody she accepted dead, may be alive. Malorie encompasses a nerve-racking choice to form: to live by the rules of survival that have served her so well or to wander into the obscurity and reach for trust once more.

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Malorie - Bird Box 2