Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett, Dave Evans
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  • Date : 10/13/2020
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Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett, Dave Evans

Whether we’re 20, 40, 60 or older, many of us are still trying to find an answer to that perennial question, ‘What do you need to be after you grow up?’ In Designing Your Life, Silicon Valley plan trend-setters Bill Burnett and Dave Evans utilize their expertise to assist you work out what you need – and how to induce it. Their extraordinarily fruitful Life Plan course has been attempted and tested by thousands of individuals, from understudies to mid-career experts to retirees mulling over a entire new future. Now in book frame for the first time, their basic strategy will instruct you how to utilize essential plan apparatuses to form a life that will work for you. Using real-life stories and demonstrated strategies like reframing, prototyping and mind-mapping, you'll learn how to construct your way advances, step-by-positive-step, to a life that’s way better by a plan of your possess making.

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