Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig
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  • Date : 8/11/2020
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 Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig

The societies we live in are increasingly making our minds sick, making it feel as though the way we live is built to create us troubled. When Matt Haig created panic disorder, uneasiness, and sadness as an grown-up, it took him a long time to work out the ways the outside world might affect his mental wellbeing in both positive and negative ways. Notes on a Apprehensive Planet collects his perceptions, taking a see at how the different social, commercial and mechanical "headways" that have made the world we presently live in can ruin our joy. Haig analyzes everything from broader wonders like imbalance, social media, and the news; to things closer to our day by day lives, like how we rest, how we work out, and indeed the refinement we draw between our minds and our bodies.

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Notes on a Nervous Planet