Do the Work by Gary John Bishop
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  • Date : 6/13/2020
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Do the Work by Gary John Bishop

Based on the New York Times bestseller Unfu*k Yourself comes an all-new book of prompts, questions, and exercises, giving you the instruments to intentionally commit to at last unfu*king your life. In Unfu*k Yourself, Gary John Bishop propelled individuals to put his words into activity to convert their fu*king lives. Through seven worldview moving statements such as: “I am wired to win,” “I grasp the uncertainty” and “I anticipate nothing and acknowledge everything,” Bishop made a difference millions of readers to move past their self-imposed limitations. Still, Bishop knows it’s difficult to go from reading the book, feeling motivated, and after that doing the vital work. That’s where Do the Work comes in: it’s the kick in the ass you need to urge moving and create the life you need. The exercise manual drills down into three categories — self, people, and purpose — to assist you distinguish and cure the challenges that disappoint and often cripple us.

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