After Dark by Haruki Murakami
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  • Date : 6/11/2020
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After Dark by Haruki Murakami

A brief, smooth novel of encounters set in Tokyo amid the witching hours between midnight and dawn, and each bit as grasping as Haruki Murakami’s masterworks The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Kafka on the Shore. At its center are two sisters—Eri, a design demonstrate sleeping her way into obscurity, and Mari, a youthful student before long driven from single perusing at a mysterious Denny’s toward individuals whose lives are profoundly outsider to her possess a jazz trombonist who claims they’ve met some time recently, a burly female “love hotel” director and her housekeeper staff, and a Chinese prostitute brutally brutalized by a businessman. These “night people” are frequented by secrets and needs that draw them together more effectively than the contrasting circumstances that might keep them separated, and it soon gets to be clear that Eri’s slumber—mysteriously tied to the businessman tormented by the check of his crime—will either reestablish or obliterate her.

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