Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic
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  • Date : 6/10/2020
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 Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

Life Without Limits is a rousing book by an extraordinary man. Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his inability to live not fair freely but a wealthy, satisfying life, getting to be a model for anybody looking for genuine joy. Presently a universally effective motivational speaker, his central message is that the foremost vital objective for anybody is to discover their life’s reason despite anything troubles or outlandish chances stand in their way. Nick tells the story of his physical disabilities and the passionate fight he endured attempting to bargain with them as a child, an adolescent, and a youthful grown-up. “For the longest, loneliest time, I pondered on the off chance that there was anybody on earth like me, and whether there was any reason for my life other than torment and humiliation.” He offers how his confidence in God has been his central source of quality and clarifies that once he found his claim sense of purpose—inspiring others to form their lives and the world better—he found the confidence to construct a fulfilling and profitable life without limits.

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Life Without Limits