Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know by Barbara De Angelis
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  • Date : 5/17/2020
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Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know by Barbara De Angelis

Have you ever noticed that one woman who effortlessly gets along with men without even trying? She's in a loving relationship, banters with her male colleagues and is close to her brothers. Every woman deserves to be that woman and now Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know shows you how. Barbara is the definitive relationships guru. The author of 14 bestselling relationships titles, with fans the world over, Barbara's witty, straight-talking answers to the problems that plague relationships have transformed the lives of millions of women, and men, and inspired her readers to turn their dysfunctional relationship patterns around. Now repackaged with a beautiful new iconic cover, discover men's top twenty turn-offs, how to become a better lover without being a doormat, and close the gap between what men say and what they really mean. Readers have described Secrets as `amazing', that it provides `so much insight into the minds of men' and that Barbara's advice has come back to them `time and time again'. Discover how men really feel about women and find out for yourself why everyone loves Secrets.

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Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know