The Dip by Seth Godin
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  • Date : 5/11/2020
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The Dip by Seth Godin

The ancient saying is wrong-winners do quit, and quitters do win. Every unused venture (or work, or pastime, or company) begins out energizing and fun. At that point it gets harder and less fun, until it hits a moo point-really difficult, and not much fun at all. And at that point you discover yourself inquiring on the off chance that the objective is indeed worth the bother. Perhaps you're in a Dip-a brief misfortune that will get way better on the off chance that you keep pushing. But perhaps it's truly a Cul-de-Sac, which can never get superior, no matter how difficult you try. According to top rated creator Seth Godin, what truly sets geniuses separated from everybody else is the capacity to elude dead closes rapidly, whereas remaining centered and propelled when it truly counts. Winners stopped quick, stopped regularly, and quit without guilt-until they commit to beating the correct Plunge for the correct reasons. In truth, victors look for out the Plunge.

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