The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by  Mark Twain
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  • Date : 5/11/2020
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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by  Mark Twain

With The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, not even Twain could have known that when he introduced readers to the inhabitants of the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, he would also be introducing two characters - one a clever and mischievous scamp, and the other a carefree, innocent ragamuffin - whose stories would ultimately shape the course of American literature. But whereas its sequel and companion piece, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, would harken an end to childhood, the story of Tom Sawyer is one that depicts the excitement and adventure of boyhood along the Mississippi.

Return to this persevering classic and you may be struck not as it were by Twain's expertise at capturing a time and put so distinctively but too by his mysterious capacity to crystallize those oftentimes violent and clashing feelings that a child encounters at the slope of adulthood: a yearning to be free from the rules and commitments of grown-ups whereas getting a charge out of the laxity characteristic in childhood; a adore of all things horrifying, like blood pledges, cemetery cures, and frequented houses, that uncover a genuine true genuine blamelessness - an ignorance of real-life results and one's possess mortality; and the strings of guilt when knowing the correct thing to do and doing the correct thing show up to be at odds.

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer