The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom
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  • Date : 5/9/2020
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The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom

The man who became Father Time. In Mitch Albom's most current work of fiction, the innovator of the world's to begin with clock is rebuffed for attempting to degree God's most prominent blessing. He is expelled to a cave for centuries and constrained to tune in to the voices of all who come after him looking for more days, more a long time. In the long run, with his soul about broken, Father Time is granted his flexibility, along side a mysterious hourglass and a mission: a chance to recover himself by instructing two natural individuals the genuine meaning of time. He returns to our world--now ruled by the hour-counting he so guiltlessly began--and commences a travel with two impossible accomplices: one a adolescent young lady who is almost to grant up on life, the other a affluent ancient businessman who needs to live until the end of time. To spare himself, he must spare them both. And halt the world to do so. Told in Albom's signature save, reminiscent composition, this astoundingly unique story will rouse perusers all over to reevaluate their claim ideas of time, how they spend  it and how precious it truly is.

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The Time Keeper