The Green Mile by Stephen King New Books
The Green Mile 2 0
  • Date : 4/14/2020
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The Green Mile by Stephen King

The #1 New York Times top of the line emotional serial novel and motivation for the Oscar-nominated film of the same title featuring Tom Hanks, the “literary event” (Excitement Week by week) of The Green Mile is presently accessible in its entirety. When The Green Mile first showed up, serialized as one volume per month, Stephen King’s The Green Mile was an exceptional distributing triumph: all six volumes finished up on the Modern York Times smash hit list—simultaneously—and pleased millions of fans the world over. Welcome to Cold Mountain Prison, domestic to the Depression-worn men of E Piece. Sentenced executioners all, each is standing by his turn to walk the Green Mile, keeping a date with “Old Sparky,” Cold Mountain’s electric chair. Jail watch Paul Edgecombe has seen his share of peculiarities in his a long time working the Mile. But he’s never seen anybody like John Coffey, a man with the body of a monster and the intellect of a child, condemned for a wrongdoing frightening in its savagery and stunning in its debasement.

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