11/22/63 by Stephen King
11/22/63 6 0
  • Date : 4/14/2020
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11/22/63 by Stephen King

In 11.22.63, Jake Epping, a teacher in Maine (a childhood reference point as repetitive in King's fiction as Modern Shirt in Philip Roth's), is summoned by the proprietor of Al's Coffee shop, a nearby eateries that has ended up prevalent but moreover suspect as a result of being able to offer, in 2011, burgers at near-1950s costs. The restaurateur, presently mortally sick, has found a entrance in his wash room that leads to a specific day in 1958, where the time-traveller can start a remain enduring months or indeed possibly a long time, returning two minutes afterward. Cancer has hindered Al amid a five-year mission to anticipate the occasion that he accepts to have misled American history: JFK's passing.

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