The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb New Books
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  • Date : 3/4/2020
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The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A black swan may be an exceedingly far-fetched occasion with three vital characteristics: It is unusual; it carries a gigantic effect; and, after the reality, we concoct a clarification that creates it shows up less irregular, and more unsurprising, than it was. The bewildering victory of Google was a dark swan; so was 9/11. For Nassim Nicholas Taleb, dark swans underlie nearly everything approximately our world, from the rise of religions to occasions in our possess individual lives. Why do we not recognize the marvel of dark swans until after they happen? Part of the reply, concurring to Taleb, is that people are hardwired to memorize specifics when they ought to be centered on sweeping statements.

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