Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon New Books
Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon 6 0
  • Date : 1/1/2020
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Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon

Jeff Bezos made Amazon, the speediest company to reach $100 billion in deals ever, making him the wealthiest man within the world. Trade proprietors wonder at Amazon’s victory, but don’t realize they have the answers right at their fingertips as Bezos uncovers his covered up guide in his yearly letters to shareholders. For the primary time, commerce examiner Steve Anderson opens the key lessons, attitude, standards, and steps Bezos utilized, and proceeds to use, to form Amazon the enormous victory it is nowadays. Steve appears commerce proprietors, pioneers, and CEOs how to apply those same hones and observe their trade ended up more effective, profitable, and successful—fast!

Steve Anderson has gone through his 35+ year career making a difference in the protection industry get it, coordinated, and use current and rising innovations. From commerce administration frameworks to social media, Steve analyzes what’s happening presently and clarifies its suggestions for long term. He was welcomed to be one of the first 150 “thought leaders/influencers” on LinkedIn and has over 300,000 adherents. Steve as of now dwells in Franklin, Tennessee.

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Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon