Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Leaders Eat Last 8 2
  • Date : 12/28/2019
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Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek


A fairly enjoyable and thought provoking book on how to get people to be the most productive at work. They most form bonds among themselves - a "circle of safety" - and trust is essential. Feeling that the boss will sacrifice you if necessary creates angst and poor results. It is also important that the company is not after short-term wins and that they fire people only as a last resort.

The basic premise of this book is that some teams work together and some teams don't. This books is how to create a culture in the workplace of safety, connection, caring and commitment. Using many examples and anecdotes from big corporations to the military the author shows how leaders can bring groups together.

Simon Sinek is an optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. He is the author of “Start with Why" which sold million copies globally.


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Leaders Eat Last