The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater 8 0
  • Date : 11/22/2019
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The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

On a cold night every spring, sixteen-year-old Blue and her psychic mother wait in a churchyard for the dead to arrive. Her mother is usually the one who sees the spirits of people who will die within the next twelve months, but this year, Blue herself is startled by the sad, desperate sight of a boy named Gansey falling to his knees before her. With those chilling words, Blue is caught up in a mystery she never expected involving the privileged Raven Boys from Aglionby Academy. She must guard her heart, On a cold night every spring, sixteen-year-old Blue and her psychic mother wait in a churchyard for the dead to arrive. Her mother is usually the one who sees the spirits of people who will die within the next twelve months, but this year, Blue herself is startled by the sad, desperate sight of a boy named Gansey falling to his knees before her. With those chilling words, Blue is caught up in a mystery she never expected involving the privileged Raven Boys from Aglionby Academy. She must guard her heart because Blue's always been told that she's destined to kill her true love with a kiss. because Blue's always been told that she's destined to kill her true love with a kiss.

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The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater