Finale - Caraval 3 by Stephanie Garber
Finale - Caraval 3 by Stephanie Garber 8 2
  • Date : 11/14/2019
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Finale by Stephanie Garber

Finale is the conclusion to the YA fantasy, carnival, colorful Caraval series, and follows almost immediately on from the conclusion of Legendary. Tella, abandoned by Legend and mourning her clear unrequited love, and we have Scarlett mooning after Julian who left to undertaking some ‘serious business’ for Legend. There’s also the threat of the released Fates, immortals bound by their desire to destroy and play hateful games with the citizens of Valenda.

Stephanie Garber is the #1 New York Times bestselling and international bestselling author of THE CARAVAL SERIES, which has been translated in over 30 languages.

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Finale - Caraval 3 by Stephanie Garber