HIM by  Pierre Alex Jeanty
HIM by Pierre Alex Jeanty 10 2
  • Date : 11/13/2019
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 HIM by Pierre Alex Jeanty

HIM is a collection of poems that honors men and their stories, their perspectives, their love, and their silence.  I love the inscription on the back, “There are words in his heart.” The poems vary in length, and it can be easy to read many of them in one sitting. You will  want to take your time with it and give each poem the space it deserved, and give yourself time to process all of the feelings that came with it: hope, pride, joy, sadness, and even conviction

Founder of Gentlemenhood™ is a Haitian-American author, a poet, and a social media influencer. He is devoted to making an impact through his writing. His body of work primarily focuses on creatively sharing his journey, including mistakes he made while walking into manhood and love, in the hope that others will learn from them.


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HIM by  Pierre Alex Jeanty