Defy Me by Tahereh Mafi
Defy Me 8 0
  • Date : 11/3/2019
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Defy Me by Tahereh Mafi

Defy Me” opened up the motherload of Pandora’s boxes into the wiles of the evil government power we’ve come to know as The Reestablishment.

Since its introduction in “
Shatter Me,
” we learned that the goal of this power-hungry government is to eradicate everything that promoted freedom of expression and to strip every living, breathing person of their individuality and self-esteem. It's an oppressive rule that made fear its hangman's noose.
It was their way or the highway… and the highway usually led to a mass grave 6-feet under

As horrific as things sounded, as dark and hopeless as the world had become at the hands of The Reestablishment we knew all was not lost. We cheered our beloved friends from Omega Point to bring about its final demise but nothing prepared me for the scum of vileness we read in this boo

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