In Cold Blood
In Cold Blood 6 0
  • Date : 10/30/2019
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                  In Cold Blood by Truman Capote





Based on a true story


On November 15th, 1959 in the small town “Holcomb”, four members of the Clutter family were murdered by shotgun shots in their faces. There were no clues and there was no apparent motive for the crime. “In Cold Blood” written by Truman Capote, was published in 1966 for the first time. The author called it the first true crime story. Capote has masterfully combined the reality and fiction to send the chills down the readers’ spine.


Truman Garcia Capote was an American writer, screenplay writer, and actor whose works attracted lots of critics’ attention. In 1967 the book turned into a movie. Capote died of liver cancer at the age of 59.




"A masterpiece . . . a spellbinding work." —Life


"A remarkable, tensely exciting, superbly written 'true account.' " —The New York Times


"The best documentary account of an American crime ever written. . .. The book chills the blood and exercises the intelligence . . . harrowing." —The New York Review of Books

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