The Healthy Mind Toolkit by Alice Boyes PhD
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  • Date : 5/9/2020
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The Healthy Mind Toolkit by Alice Boyes PhD

In The Healthy Mind Toolkit, Dr. Alice Boyes provides easy, practical solutions that will help you identify how you’re holding yourself back and how to reverse your self-sabotaging behaviors. Blending scientific research with techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy, this engaging book will take you through the steps to address this overarching problem, including how to:

  • Identify the specific ways you're hurting your success in all aspects of your life

  • Capitalize on the positive aspects of your extreme traits instead of the negatives

  • Find creative solutions to curb your self-defeating patterns

  • Practice self-care as a problem-solving strategy

Filled with quizzes and insightful exercises to personalize your journey from harmful behaviors to healthy habits, The Healthy Mind Toolkit is the essential guide to get out of your own way and get on the path to success.

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The Healthy Mind Toolkit